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The Truth about Global Warming, and Such. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 2/10/2024.
From the book The Coming of Tan [an E.T.]. This is my blog #1 regarding that book, the world’s best-ever book, one containing 600,000,000 years of UFO interstellar visitations to Earth. As follows:
“What they do not realize is that this world is about to undergo such devastating and all-encompassing changes that the distinction of wealth and power will be superseded by the primordial ability to simply survive these conditions, and that the Chinese peasant and that the jungle pygmy are far better equipped to endure this Armageddon than is the munitions factory worker.
“Nature at this point has been poisoned to the extent that a planetary ecological rebellion is imminent. An environmental operation which ordinarily would have taken several million years has been brought about by man’s own doings in just a hundred years. It will take less than twenty more years for this awful cataclysm to be set in accelerated motion, and it will include every aspect from the destruction of the tropical rainforests to the leaking of live nuclear waste, the depletion of the ozone shield to the contamination of the aqua table.
“Nature is no respecter of persons. When a person contracts a viral infection, the body’s immune system goes into high gear in an effort to overcome and kill the offending virus. In a more complex but similar sense, the whole Earth is such a body, and the planet has been infected to such a degree, that the planet’s immune…