Those Mosquito Republicans! By Gene W. Edwards.

Gene W. Edwards
7 min readNov 18, 2022


I predict, now, just minutes before Pelosi’s “farewell” speech (?), that she will retire from House leadership. She’ll serve out her new and remaining two-year House term (January 2023-January 2025) and then “maybe” retire from Congress after that. [A little later on 11/17: I heard her speech. I thought her resignation from House leadership speech would be an attack on Trump, but it wasn’t at all.]

Mosquitoes have killed more people (malaria, etc.) than the total number of dead from all the wars in human history! In America, it is the mosquito Republicans you have to watch out for, the Trump crowd, who are footloose and law free!


We await the results from six political races in the House. The best scenario for the Democrats would be the Democrats win 214 seats, the Republicans 221. I predict the new total, after all votes are counted and all runoffs for House seats, will be Republicans 223, Democrats 212. Thus, to pass Democrat House legislation, six Republicans must vote with the Democrats = 218 Democrats, 217 Republicans, That’s a tall, but possible, order: some occasional House bipartisanship.


The newly seated House, as of January 3, 2022, is itching to, ASAP, impeach Biden and his family for their financial ties to Ukraine and China through Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, who used influence peddling (the son of a vice president/future president) to obtain his job at Burisma Holdings Limited in Ukraine to enrich himself and the Biden family through incentivized, well-concealed, arcane, contractual arrangements. One Tony Bobulinski knows the whole story. The Republicans have the votes in the House to impeach, after a very public investigation and airing of the whole matter, but the Democrat Senate would never vote to convict Biden.

The FBI, which has been politicized for some years, chose not to indict and convict, and the whole matter will probably go away — but not before the Republicans put Joe Biden through hell! It’s called turn-about is fair play . . . after the Democrats impeached Trump twice. Biden is old, and the shame and ignominy of a public disgracement won’t do his health or career any good — and make him an even less viable for the Democrats in 2024.


We in Colorado are awaiting a lengthy recount (now) for incumbent Republican Lauren Boebert’s House seat, Boebert vs. Frisch. I predict Boebert will win that runoff. Here’s what to note. Boebert’s House district, with its redrawn boundaries, gave her an enormous advantage in the race because it contains 18% more Republicans than Democrats — but 40% of her district’s voters are unaffiliated and droves of them turned their back on Boebert’s MAGA extremism and her Trump endorsement. Only Marjorie Taylor Greene (divorced soon, will drop “Greene”?) in Congress is more extreme than Boebert, who is also a joke!


P.S. Looks like it’ll be 221 or more Republicans in the House to 214 Democrats or fewer. I publicly predicted 223 to 212. The Democrats had 222 seats in the 2021–2023 House. Maybe the Republicans will hold 222 in the 2023–2025 House of Representatives? It takes at least 218 out of 435 to rule the House.

I also publicly predicted the Democrats would win 52 seats in the Senate. They have 50 now and I predict Raphael Warnock will win the runoff on December 6 to make it 51, plus VP Harris’s tie-breaker vote gives the Democrats there an additional cushion.

I may be the closest in America in calling the election — which was far from the generally predicted “red wave.” It was more of a warning to both parties that business as usual is unacceptable during challenging times. Both parties won and lost. The only red wave was the Russians swarming into Ukraine.


Now here comes more predictions. Recently, in sleep, I receive four words, “Legal troubles mount up.” That refers to the many charges, indictments, convictions, and the jailing of Donald Trump, all these coming up sooner rather than later. Regarding noisome Trump, one is reminded of Shakespeare’s words from Macbeth:

“Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,

To the last syllable of recorded time;

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools

The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.”

Trump is spouting off again, to himself. He’s lost his edge and too much of his audience.

Trump, therefore, is over the hill, and so is his opposition, coming for him. His words are empty, . . . and so is his future.



Trump: a man on a collision course with himself.

On Wednesday, in half-sleep, I got the words, just after Trump announced his re-run for president, “Trump makes amends.” Yeah, he’s trying to put his Big Lie behind him, but he can’t. I also saw a dream image of him as just a noisy skeleton now, his power largely gone — and he will not resurrect this time.


I received another interesting piece of info upon awakening Wednesday: “Alaskan pipeline.” Did you readers know that oil gurus have keep quiet about the fact that the USA’s largest oilfield is proximate Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay and that — get this — it contains enough oil to power the world for 200 years! True?

In any case, rather than the free world depend on Russian oil and gas, why don’t we go all out to fully open that oilfield, and all other American oil and gas oilfields, and sell our oil and gas to all interested countries in the world, exploring, drilling, and transporting (by truck and pipelines) American oil and gas everywhere, and doing all that RIGHT NOW. Yesterday! The price is right. This represents an enormous financial windfall for America, and political and social relief for the world.


Lastly, I’ll mention Musk, Tesla, and Twitter. Musk has left his peerless engineering industries hanging while he turns to destroying or reinventing Twitter to his own specifications. Which are — what? I’m not saying he quit engineering, but politicking is not his forte.

The markets don’t like uncertainty. Musk owns Twitter lock, stock, and barrel. He had already sold enough Tesla stock by last December to pay for it, little left over to finance. Meanwhile, Tesla’s stock has been dropping like a rock! — and there is no Twitter stock anymore. It’s all in Musk’s pocket.

Meanwhile, his net worth has dropped from 208 billion dollars to 183 billion in just 17 days. Yeah, he lost $25,000,000,000 within that short time! Watch Musk’s net worth to drop to as low as 158 billion dollars –a 50-billion-dollar loss — before the dust settles.

Tesla’s stock price has gone down from $232.25 a share on 11/1/2022, just over two weeks ago, to $181.95 at this moment today, 11/18/2022; that’s $50 a share down. Furthermore, it may be headed for as low as $125-$140 a share. Sheer Luck Holmes would say that once it hits bottom and Musk’s reputation resurrects — or at least he gets back to engineering — Tesla stock may become one of the best buys in the financial markets! Until then, don’t stay tuned. Tune your antennae instead to Canopy Growth Corporation, and other equity market opportunities.

What is that odor? Is it Musk “ox,” or is it Musk “bear”? No market guru knows for sure.


Oops! P.S. Yesterday, I posted my above Tesla and Twitter comments on the Elon Musk public group on Facebook, 736,200 members (fans). Its web bots then used search words to ban (remove) my post — almost immediately! Isn’t that the kind of censorship Musk is trying to avoid? I believe his Twitter buyout and takeover has been ham-handed and paints him as heartless and arrogant, or is it obtuse and self-righteous? I’m not saying he’s those things, but that’s how it comes across. He could do better by focusing on developing technologies for the world and directing competent others to manage his side-ventures in making the world better.

In short, no one owns the narrative! The left thinks it owns it, and all else is fake news. The right thinks it owns it, and thinks it is right. A multitude of others post all manner of garbage, including death threats, anti vaxing “info,” anti-Semitism, Trump’s Big election Lie, tar-brushings of Bill Gates, Fauci, China and other races, countries, and peoples, George Soros, etc. — and they keep doing it. Most of all that conspiracy talk is unfounded, and injurious to society.

Web bots don’t read postings. They just look for politically incorrect and socially incorrect search words. We need enough social media people in the background to actually read edgy posts before they ban any that are truly dangerous. Most Ideas, concepts, beliefs, thought filters, religious preconceptions, and all the rest deserve a public airing. Orthodoxy is always wrong, whether it is in public education, political dialogue, religious dialogue, etc.

So: if you read something you don’t like, or cannot comprehend, maybe that’s your problem and not that of the communicator, one who is trying to open-up vistas of consciousness and transformation. Musk’s, and my, wish is good. It surprised me that his followers, or at least their media vehicle celebrating him — as his sycophants — are worse than the disease. They tolerate no cutting criticism of their god, rather than elevating all of us to a higher place through open communication!

Yeah, Musk is my hero too. I think he’s the smartest man among us since Einstein, and he has few other equals in history. I could name no more than 10. He has grand plans for the human race. Don’t be so impatient, Elon Musk. Build your edifice brick by brick, tearing down little, just changing it. The Doomsday Clock is relentlessly ticking towards another human annihilation (we’ve had five before) and what we do, minute by minute, matters, to make it start running backwards.


Love (from the chef behind bear-ox stew, a financial porridge),

Gene W. Edwards.

This blog is posted on my website Just click on Blog, not on Old Blogs. The site contains all my new Blogs, started in September 2022.

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I probably won’t post this blog on Facebook (which censors such material as the above) under Gene W. Edwards and on Facebook’s Coast to Coast AM Listeners’ website.



Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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