Trump Thinks “Illegal is [just] a Sick Bird” (ill eagle, get it?).
By Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 6/10/2023.
As of 6/8/2023, Trump became old news. With 34 felonies awaiting him in his Manhattan, NYC, and D.O.J. Special Counsel Jack Smith’s 37 or more new ones — even though Trump is slicker ‘n owl shi“x”, Trump is now toast. There is no need for any presidential aspirant to run against him, or with him. He’s out! I’m sure some of the presidential aspirants were/are jockeying to become Trump’s V.P. choice, but now it’s an open field. Trump’s very name may be avoided — soon.
It looks like Trump will spend life in prison, after upcoming convictions and sentencing. Furthermore, Trump is so recalcitrant and combative, judges are likely to throw the book at him, as much as their sentencing guidelines allow for a first offender, his conviction felonies (34 of them, 37, etc.) all served one after the other, consecutively, not concurrently. Many of his violations were so egregious, they were uniquely venal and deserving of maximum punishment and isolation, perhaps in a supermax federal prison. In times past: death penalty.
I think Donald J. Trump should immediately seek political asylum in a land particularly friendly to him, Saudi Arabia — or in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. That move should be in the middle of the night and totally unexpected by everybody! “Send my stuff!”
Would he? I’d give it 1%. He could prosper in Arabia, the new home for “half” of golf.
I suspect, using intuition, that Donald Trump’s real net worth is 1.2B, not 2.5B. By this fall it’ll be 900 million — which is still not chump change! He should set his sights on . . . playing a lot of golf, and hiding under the covers.
If he goes anywhere outside his new host country, he may be extradited to the USA. If he makes trouble in a host country, or attacks the USA from there, he would likely end up being expelled. Can you imagine Trump anywhere not playing his drama card and his dishonesty card?
But my prediction all year is, he “drops out of sight” in September or October — rather than face prison. If he doesn’t get his way, he is very weak and a danger to himself.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the Jack Smith case begins in late June, concludes in August, sentencing in October . . .
There are more issues you’re not hearing about. Trump kept some $300,000 worth of gifts from dignitaries, etc., rather than turning them over to the national archives or paying the government their value so he could keep them, such as a gold golf club. Here’s the story:
And then there is the alleged pay to play Trump pardon service. Rumored: Giuliana nurtured the high rollers contacting him who were willing to pay $2,000,000 for a pardon. Trump would keep one million and Guiliani one million from each. Here’s the story:
That high-million-dollar lawsuit against Giuliani includes many instances of sexual misconduct and intimidation on his part against a female staffer with lots of inside info.
No matter where Trump went, there was a scam or a psychopathy, a stealing, an attack on others, or a misdirection. How about Trump’s cynical manipulation of the evangelicals, or he and his family’s some 20 phone listings in Jeffrey Epstein’s black book — and allegations of Trump and Epstein’s rapes of underage kids in sex slavery? Here’s that story:
No matter where you look, there is Trump’s incompetence, evil, and traitorous hand.
In view of all this, the law has descended on Trump like a thousand-headed hydra, and it is all but inevitable that he will be convicted on myriad felony charges.
Let’s all move on! We need a real Republican Party with real issues and real solutions, leaving Trump far behind. That can’t happen for a few years.
Gene W. Edwards.
Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive psychic predictors, using insight, about the past, present, and future as well as being one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.
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