Trump’s First Conviction/Sentencing is Coming up!; Prediction.
By Gene W. Edwards.
Posted on 3/20/2023.
Quantification is my gift as an intuitive psychic. Here goes:
Percent chance Trump will be indicted/arrested for a felony by the Manhattan D.A. named Alvin Bragg: 100%! Chance of his conviction and sentencing by Bragg: 100%.
Chance of a misdemeanor charge, etc., instead? 0%.
How is Bragg wired, particularly in regard to this case? As follows:
“It is a huge case in which to gain a conviction. It’ll look good on Bragg’s resume. It is a case for the ages, the conviction of a felony by a former president.
I’m quantifying that the sentence will be between one and two years, more likely two years. In jail by October. If he served one year, he’d just get out one month before the General Election on November 8, 2024.
When will Trump be charged/arrested? By 3/25/2023.
A jury trial? Yes. Unanimous jury verdict of guilty? Yes.
Posted on 3/20/2023.
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Gene W. Edwards is the world’s best intuitive psychic about the past, present, and future.
Subjects on my blog: ideas and concepts; politics; finance; intuitive-psychic predictions; humor.
I write the most interesting blog in the world, and it is often also the best written.