UFOs are Real!!!

Gene W. Edwards
5 min readFeb 17, 2023


By Gene W. Edwards.

Posted 2/17/2023.

After we shot down a Chinese spy balloon that drifted all the way from its first discovery in Montana to the ocean off the coast of South Carolina . . . we shot down three different Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs): over water in Alaska; over Lake Huron; and in the Canadian Yukon.

Forget the euphemistic new term, Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP), and the pretense that the three we blew to smithereens were anything but UFOs. All three were described as metallic. One was cylindrical, one octagonal — these are not aerodynamic shapes — and all three seemed to have no ascertainable method of propulsion at all. One was traveling at jet speed. They probably had no heat signature, no exhaust vents, no antennae, etc. They did not appear to have aliens or humans inside. I doubt if they had an instrument panel. I suspect they were semi-sensate and semi-autonomous in mission, coordination, and technology — all way beyond our abilities!

All four incidents happened between January 28 and February 15. One of the three UFOs was described as the size of a small car. Was it a Russian Yugo, the world’s most incompetent car? Ha! The two others were also smallish. Were they the size of a breadbox? (What’s My Line?) Were they a breadbox? That’s the best explanation you’ve had so far. Whole Foods maybe wants to know, if the two were breadboxes, was the bread inside non-gluten? UFOs: very dangerous?

John Kirby, a retired navy rear admiral (general), held a long news conference on February 13. It was the longest, smartest, and most-amazing-in-content news conference I’ve ever seen! He averred that we don’t know what the three are and he refused to speculate. They are indeed Unidentified. Maybe that day began serious “disclosure” on this planet that we are not alone.

My question. Rather than their being captured somehow, why did we blow them into shrapnel-sized pieces, two out of three of them over water? One was shot down by two missiles (the first one missed; how?) costing $400,000 each. Did our leaders not want to know, or you to know, what those UFOs were, what they were doing, where were they from, and were they “alien” to anything on our “radar”? What can fly at jet speed and yet have no means of propulsion? Most of the spokesmen of the incidents shot down questions, after we shot down the UFOs.


There is absolutely nothing new about UFOs. Hundreds of millions in the world have seen them, particularly since 1941 when one crashed near Cape Girardeau, MO, Rush Limbaugh’s hometown. So maybe that’s what was the matter with him? Roswell occurred six years later. Some of the reports are incontrovertible. Many report UFOs that fly so fast, they traverse entire observable sky in the blink of an eye. Some high-tech cameras show many of them all around us everywhere all of the time. I suspect they’ve been around us, observed us, and even interacted with us for millennia. There are rumors that Ted Cruz is so whacky, he could not be one of us, but I’ll have Saturday Night Live handle that one.


What does it all mean: disclosure? Will you have to see one, a UFO and perhaps its occupants, close-up to believe? Will you have to be taken onboard? Buy a book titled The Coming of Tan, by O-Qua Tangin Wann and Riley Martin, if you are not convinced. Also go to the National UFO Reporting Center’s website. Take a look: https://multimedia.scmp.com/culture/article/ufo/index.html

It catalogues 80,000+ UFO reports just from 1974. Many are from pilots and U.S. military personnel. Many of them are from close-up. After considering all info, anyone who doesn’t think there are UFOs has a couple of screws missing!

We may have back-engineered downed craft. I evaluate our level of rudimentary development of UFOs at a 4 out of a possible 10. We still don’t understand gravity, let alone multi-dimensionality, muti-timelines, or fathom some “beings” over a billion years older than us, and much wiser . . . observing us like we would an ant farm. We are assuredly a threat to ourselves, if not them, in the conduct and selfish recklessness of our civilization and how we affect their dimensions. There’s nothing civil or selfless about the errant, destructive, omnipresent portion of humanity!


Now allow me to intuit regarding this subject, in the form of Questions and Answers:

Q. The Chinese spy balloon appears to have been intended to do Chinese recon over Hawaii and Guam, which also U.S. air space, but high upper winds blew it totally off course, beyond course. The other three were UFOs. Tell me about them?

A. They’re from “beyond” civilizations avoiding direct contact. We threaten their dimensions.

Q. What were they doing?

A. Zelenskyy opened the door to a potential World War III. The USA is right in the middle of it. They are watching what will happen next. Federal denial is reiterating its typical failure to disclose that our visitors are concerned for us.

Q. Why were they found in such obscure places on earth? What intel could be there? Why didn’t they employ cloaking technology to avoid discovery?

A. These were unmanned “drones” to alert us we are not alone. Disclosure is at hand. Watch Zelenskyy’s tests of Russia to provoke a wider war involving the whole earth!

Q. Who or what made all three UFOs?

A. Aliens who live in and on/around the earth. They are all concerned. They are seen flying into and out of the earth — through portals or doors? — and into and out of the sea. They have capacities and dimensionalities — and physics — far exceeding ours.

Q. What will come from the widespread calls now for disclosure, governments coming clean about their observations of alien craft and all of the attendant phenomenology of UFO interaction with humans pressing towards transparency from our politicians and military leaders regarding the whole subject? An increasing proportion of our general public, and the UFO beings here, are tired of being lied to or dismissed.

“We are moving you to the next level.” — Your brothers.

Posted by Gene W. Edwards on 2/17/2023 on Facebook and on my website: genewedwards.medium.com. Medium.com is a giant blog-hosting website.

Gene W. Edwards is the world’s best intuitive predictor of future events and interpreter of present ones.

P.S. Even if you and I cannot prove the above explanation, what interpretation out there serves us better than the above? Food for thought. PLEASE SHARE THS POST WITH ALL!!!



Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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