Vax/Snaks/Fax. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Vaccines but Were Afraid.
By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/29/2023.
No public figure but Robert F. Kennedy Jr. publicly objected much about all vaccines until COVID-19 came along. Then it was Trump and many key members of his staff acting as vaccine deniers. Why? Can’t you hear him, “It’ll hurt the economy, stupid!”? Unspoken: “It could cost me an election [it did!].”
Two weeks ago, I got a shingles shot after my better half was finally diagnosed with shingles after she’d had it for two weeks. Hers lasted for an endless month, a horrible painful disease! I can’t wait to get my second and final shot six weeks from now in order to be highly protected. One-third of Americans get shingles, usually a leftover from childhood chicken pox! (Don’t go to a roofer). My lady had shingles with gout at the same time, and sciatica.
I could hardly wait to get my first COVID-19 shot and boosters. I was reared by a scientist and understand that the risks of getting a dangerous communicable disease or virus far outweigh the risks usually posed by an inoculation — for (not all) most people.
You get a vaccine, get a snack afterward, and then wonder, “Was it worth it?” or “Will I be okay?“ or “Are vaccines dangerous?” Well, yeah, of course, they can be, any and all of them, and for any and all diseases. As seer Edgar Cayce put it, “You can get anything from a shot.” I’m not talking about a .357 magnum.
Here’s the deal. Watch pharmaceutical commercials on TV. They list diseases you may already have, and if you take their pharmaceutical, you may get one or more of those side effect diseases in force, including death. If you don’t know how to take care of your health or have a weak immune system, you just could be toast! In the case of vaccines, many also have possible side effects, even listed at the end of TV commercials for them. It’s the luck, or bad luck, of the draw — if the “cure” (preventive) is worse than the disease.
But COVID-19 vaccines, and vaccines in general, have been turned into melodrama, politicized, and turned into fake news. Yeah, someone died who got a shot, probably died from what they had before they got the shot. Surprise!
In the case of COVID-19, who can afford to have lingering COVID, lingering symptoms, “forever”? Who wants to die on a respirator? It remains a deadly pandemic, not eradicated, especially for the old or immune compromised. For almost all, the shot (prevents or suppresses) trumps the disease. Get the shot!
The captain of the Titanic didn’t see the berg coming. If he had had the facts about the upcoming danger of possible deathly destruction below the water (like that submersible story!) — had he been forewarned — he could have taken precautions. Vaccines: don’t knock it; don’t be hit by what you couldn’t see, just up ahead, when a preventive is available to you.
Yeah, also practice “smart health:” Stay away from the four glutens — wheat, barley, rye, and oats — which kill the immune system. Eat right, lots of vegetables. Take all the supplements you need to fill any deficits. Keep your emotions positive and stable. Sleep or meditate under a pyramid. Keep your body slightly alkaline. Read my blogs.
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