Weather or Knot. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 7/4/2023.

Gene W. Edwards
2 min readJul 5, 2023


My area of Colorado Spring has been slammed lately. How about your neck o’ the woods? Three weeks ago, we had a 7” rain in 24 hours. Then a week ago we had the lightning storm of all lightning storms, two bolts (or so) of lightning somewhere on the horizon for three hours straight! That’s 21,600 bolts. It knocked out a couple of our electrical outlets. We got 2.25” of rain out of it.

But then we come to climate change. I don’t believe much of anything out of the mouths of its promoters. Carbon tax, huh? Nature’s power and natural cycles dwarf anything man can destroy. If you want to talk about something, talk about pollution: the human footprint on land, sea and air. Toxicity! Carcinogens! Yeah, it gets hotter in some areas, colder in others. Rainer, more hurricanes, and more tornadoes in some places some years, not so much during other years — but when you look at the data, the number of each kind of weather phenomenon, year to year, it doesn’t vary much, only the strength of storms from time to time.

We look at the boob tube and see the weather maps, weather systems’ graphics shown over and over. It’s like the mass shooters all over again. It’s just the weather, bub. It ain’t rocket science. If I were I meteorologist, I’d give the same report day after day, over and over, “No meteors will fall on the city today,” end of quote.

What about other labels? Weather disasters? Global warming? All hocus-pocus. Fake news. Pseudo-science. Monkey mind rep, as if it were gospel. Prove it!

Whether or not you believe what I say, look up the stats for yourself.

I’ll end with a curious note, one that no one talks about. Human consciousness affects weather. Our nation is in turmoil. I used to practice Transcendental Meditation. T.M. would send a big group of meditators to a major city and soon crime there would decisively fall, climate disasters diminish, fewer car accidents, etc. We are a product of our psycho-social environment. When the human heart is still, and loving, so is the weather, or at least it’s milder, not literally tempestuous.

Edgar Cayce, seer, said mankind’s heart and deeds are even reflected as spots on the sun (sunspots; solar X-flares). There was a massive, destructive sunspot, for instance, in 1859, only two years before the four-year American Civil War when our nation was so divided, like now. Our nation, as we speak, is being hung in the balance, to be weighted: politically, militarily, socially, economically, and every other way . . . to see if, or how, it will hold up. I will try to bring you those forecasts as intuitions about the future.

What do you think?


Gene W. Edwards.



Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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