What the H…! The Atomic Age is Ripening Ill. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 7/19/2023.
My esteemed best friend wrote me, endorsing the “science” of human-caused climate change. We hear about that every day, like a broken record. Again though, S., I respectfully mostly disagree. There is enough energy in many severe storms to match the power of several A-bombs, or several H-bombs! Mankind is puny compared to nature at its biggest and broadest, its most inglorious venom when it rebels.
Here we go:
· It is human CONSCIOUSNESS that drives many negative events. Transcendental meditators proved this, doing group meditations to affect all kinds of stats in an area, city, or storm. High human consciousness even prevents rust in some areas in India. Human chaos can (does) produce sunspots, said Edgar Cayce, blemishes on our very sun, pimples, as it were! I’m sure such negativity produced the Carrington Event in 1859, two years before the American Civil War, “The most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history” (Wikipedia). Such a storm today would “permanently” shut down much of the electrical grid.
· It is group mind, billions with the same negative or erroneous belief system, that brings negative or false power and reality to what can only be described as fake news, human falsehood. Fake news is really ideas and concepts that are wrong, only given life by the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Edgar Cayce said our astrology is nearly “two signs [of the zodiac] off in its reckoning!” For hundreds of years, mankind, like the Truman Show, thought the world was flat, man could never fly, etc. Our Newtonian science is over 300 years behind, and Einstein’s over 100 years behind. What will we know tomorrow?
· Al Gore, and such phony persons and the illuminati, want to impose a carbon tax on you and the USA (to enrich themselves), and on the world, on all but China, the biggest polluter — and us. Pollution of air, land, and sea is the real villain, not CO2. It was refrigerants that most damaged earth’s minisculely-wide ozone layer, not cow farts. PLANT MORE TREES, our E.T. brothers have lectured us; don’t increasingly destroy them. That’s the real climate science.
· Human-caused pollution is the disaster leading to the sixth human extinction event! I am totally on board with that. See: https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/what-is-the-sixth-mass-extinction-and-what-can-we-do-about-it
We’re killing insects, birds, fungi and molds, humus in the soil, the world’s seas, and poisoning the land and air with dangerous chemicals. Einstein said if we kill the honeybees, all is lost, and we’re doing so with pesticide-filled GMOs and Bayer’s Roundup’s glyphosate. Pollution rases the land like a tornado, or like a hurricane or typhoon destroying sea and land. The human footprint is as disastrous as a murderer stealing into your house and destroying your children, and future generations.
· The Republican attitude that “If you’ve seen one redwood, you’ve seen ’em all,” rather than the correct management of natural resources, is behind the blemish of some of our erratic, dangerous, intense weather. The pH of the seas is dropping, producing red waves and tides of dead fish, and of country-sized fields of plastics in open seas or reaching shores.
· We need a worldwide kind of Manhattan Project, all nations divulging what they secretly know about energy and physics (a lot!) and all working together to produce a new, almost free, green, non-polluting energy, not fossil fuels and fracking wells causing sulfurs, methane release, and other pollutants to darken the skies. I see 200-car coal trains daily, sometimes hourly, go through my city, and I wonder how much our poor earth can stand!
Now here is what I get intuitively on this singularity, this existential (or lack of it!) subject:
Utter chaos, death, and destruction lie in wait from mankind’s use of nuclear plants, atomic bombs, and the China syndrome that would be produced by world war, hundreds of atomic plants blowing sky high, as power grids are destroyed by nature or armament. Only a few breeding couples would be left. Is that what we want?
Nature is not mocked. That which is sown, mankind must also reap. Two steps back and one step forward, for centuries in a row, leads to extinction events both local, regional, and planetwide. Seldom can we see what’s behind the next corner, and that lack of vision is also a compounding problem.
Understanding the big picture (see the above) is what is needed so that prayerful, practical, and global measures are taken to minimize the destructive human footprint leading to chaos, to the rebellion of nature, our mother earth, to cleanse, like the Great Flood, the human pestilence from most of its surface — and start over!
I am predicting World War III, 2029–2032, starting from China’s overrunning Taiwan, treaty commitments on both sides leading to other land grabs, the use of tactical nukes or H-bombs, economies falling, and the extinction of billions of people during that time. The “war to end all wars” is knocking. Can’t you hear it?
Gene W. Edwards.
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My specialties are socio-political, natural health, humor, writing, money, life wisdom, education, intuition, psychic prediction and precognition, vision(ary), metaphysics, mysticism, ideas, concepts, and re-combinative thinking. I am also proficient in arithmetic, general pattern recognition, general problem solving, and logic.