What Was Trump Thinking When He Took Classified Documents? From My Intuition.
By Gene W. Edwards.
Posted, 6/10/2023.
Trump hasn’t said why he took the documents and continued to hide some of them, and what he did, and planned to do, with them. I’ll turn my intuitive psychic insight on all of that, below.
Q. Are there more classified documents he has hidden, and plans to use?
A. Yes.
Q. How many boxes?
A. 32.
Q. Where are they?
A. In storage in two places.
Q. Where?
A. Under a staircase (a door into) and under a floor, in Mar-a-Lago.
Q. Why did he take any of them?
A. Negotiating tactics. “I have what you want.” For personal enrichment reasons.
Q. Who saw them?
A. Cannot be disclosed. Under investigation. Trump: “Look how powerful I am!”
Q. How many people in all were shown, or given access to, his classified documents?
A. Twelve.
Q. How many that Trump didn’t know about?
A. One.
Q. A foreign secret agent?
A. No.
Q, “Who? Why?”
A. A Trump staff member snooping, curious. A lawyer.
Q. Has Trump made any money from the documents?
A. No. He thought he could take them “just in case.” Having them, and reading them, made him feel powerful, having them nearby, not in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented-Information Facility). Holding onto his 2020 “win.” Still president, in his mind. USA his. Can be delusional. Needs constant reassurance from all. Watch Trump wither, despite his bluster, under cross-examination. Must not take stand. Directs others to commit his crimes, almost always anonymously. “Suggests.” Trump “takes what is his.”
Q. Better describe how Trump is wired to take classified documents, carelessly store them, hide them, and possibly exploit their value?
A. A giant ego, constantly needing inflation. A “law unto himself” mentality, and incapable of law- and-order values other than his own of both those. Fears jail. The files are like collateral to him. He could “blab,” our nation’s secrets then laid bare, if “they” go after him. It’s an us v. them mentality. Trump desperately wants to be president again. Believes he was wronged. Drama pays.
My comment: Watch ex-president be sentenced to jail.
Q. What happens next after that?
A. His legions rise up throughout the nation. Watch USA prevail. Value D.O.J. law.
Q. Why did he move classified documents, and other mementoes and paperwork, out of Washington when he left office, rather than turn them over to the National Archives?
A. Trump felt entitled to whatever he liked. Utter contempt for security.
C. View Trump’s demise.
A. As follows: Trump, under indictment, tries to regain power. USA shuts him down. USA under violent attack (again), this time widespread. USA sentence guidelines imprison him for decades! Trump “ends it all.” Suicide risk, not assassination. Had no way out. That is another way of burning your bridges behind you. That’s how this story ends.
I’ve written novels before, but who saw the Donald Trump of today coming and how much trouble one man could cause, one who became our president, a man gifted with oratorical, magnetic, and manipulative powers — like Hitler — but of bad character, a man who sought to overthrow our form of government . . . for himself?
Sometimes I intuitively measure the soul, on a scale of 0–100, of people in order to fathom their level of spirituality, intention, character, etc. Here’s a little list.
Hitler: 9 out of 100.
Stalin: 6.
Trump: 10.
China’s Xi Jinping, in charge of the CCP, Chinese Communist Party: 9
Putin: 10.
Kim Jong Un, in charge of N. Korea: 10.
Biden: 89.
Hunter Biden: 10. (Degenerate; dishonest.)
Obama: 86.
FDR: 82.
Lincoln: 100.
Karl Marx: 21.
Kissinger: 32 (long story).
My 0–100 scale is comparable to academia’s letter grades: 90–100 is an A; 80–89 is a B . . . 50–59 is an F, 40–49 is a double F (FF). 10 is an FFFFF (by 10s). It’s a low soul! In statecraft, only an 80 and above should be acceptable. A deeply flawed person at the top spells trouble. When you find that out, find out why, preferably not the hard way.
Gene W. Edwards.
Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive psychic predictors, using insight, about the past, present, and future as well as being one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.
On Medium: genewedwards.medium.com
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