Gene W. Edwards
3 min readFeb 23, 2023

What’s Putin Thinking vs. My Predictions Regarding Russia’s Future.

By Gene W. Edwards.

Posted 2/23/2023.

From my intuition. The question is, “What’s Putin thinking these days?”

Answer: High hopes of winning. Underestimates Zelenskyy. Underestimates American resolve. Communism is dying, democracy rising. Take time to pray for peace. Russia is on its last legs. What goes around, comes around. You [me] are blessed with insight.

— Gene


I intuit that communism will fall in 2028, which isn’t so far off. What destroys it is resistance to communism. New leaders promise prosperity from a change in direction: more democratic, more capitalistic, less communist. What initiates that change is education and understanding, and the avoidance of poisonous political ideologies. A beginning of friendship with the USA. The Russian Federation dies from exhaustion and a quiet replacement of the old with the new.

One prominent Ukrainian, Nadiya Vasina, describes the entire political leadership of Russia as psychotic (psychopathic?). That old guard is dying off, like some of our politicians are, the enemies of progress, equality, and our national sovereignty. Russia left Stalin behind, and Russia will also leave Putin behind (there will be no Putingrad city) — and move on. It won’t need to change its Federation name, but only its entire interface with its people and the world. There will be work stoppages, riots, and currency collapses. Resistance will be general, not localized. You can’t lock up 140 million people! At some point, you have to start listening and adapting. Zelenskyy started it in Ukraine. Zelenskyy types will also appear in Russia to redeem it from within, the alternative being total collapse. Value America trying to save Ukraine. What you value becomes manifestation. Communism didn’t work. More constructive ideologies wait in the wings. Vast change awaits! Russia is waking up!


I suggest that every Ukrainian, who wants one, be issued an M16 automatic rifle, along with plenty of ammo for it, to protect themselves, their homes, and to shoot any invading Russians. Like snipers! Worked/works for the Swiss! Sometimes the best offense is a cleverly concealed, stalwart defense.

Russia is running out of tanks, but don’t forget that Ukraine is the size of Texas. That’s a huge border and interior to protect or invade. Satellites could identify the location of each Russian tank. So could recon drones. The military world needs stealth, and quiet, drones that blend in with the sky. Nothing like that exists? Balloons? Ha! Can Ukraine “identify” and dispatch 350,000 invading Russian troops? It’s not over until the fat lady sings, but she was shot while waiting in an anteroom for center stage.

I hear Zelenskyy was and maybe is a wild kind of guy, his history, his comedy, his habits. Worldly. Been around. In his case, who cares? It’s his war, not Putin’s, not NATO’s, and not ours. Zelenskyy calls the shots. He is the motivator to protect every inch of pre-2014 Ukraine, when Russia took a big chunk of it (Crimea). I have heard that over the years, Ukraine was invaded 30 times, usually by Russia.

What they also will not tell you is that Ukraine was so corrupt before the invasion, war forced it to confront itself and reinvent/redeem itself or die — as well it should have without the changes we see going on there. The slave becomes free when the slave rises above his master. Degeneration to regeneration. From radiation (Chernobyl) to radiating light, or at least resolve and unity.


What else should I tell you about Ukraine, Russia, NATO, and us? Here goes:

Our federal government, controlled by Biden, will not shortchange Ukraine’s offense/defense. (I wonder if we counted our stockpiled, loaned, now damaged/destroyed military equipment — counted its replacement costs — vs. not included it as “money” given to Ukraine?) Zelenskyy asks for more, ad infinitum, acts/asks without fear. Communism is being drained of credibility. Value death of Putin, coming. Zelenskyy controls war — on his terms. Holding Ukraine would be a Russian nightmare. Communism will die when the time is ripe. Anyone can see its failure. Before communism dies, fear will yield to rebellion. Putin’s upcoming death (in early 2025) will be celebrated as a chapter and book closed. Zelenskyy will become a free and autonomous Ukraininan president. Communism yields to freedom. And the world moves on.

— Gene.


Gene W. Edwards.

Posted on Facebook on 2/23/2023, and on my blog,, the giant blogsite host

Gene is the world’s best intuitive predictor of future events and interpreter of present ones.

Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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