Where Do We Go from Here? By Gene W. Edwards.
Biden is sending immigrants back home. Let the word get around. Apply at our embassy in your country. We are open to that, need immigrants! States, cities, and employers could sponsor them. Keeps wages down (inflation). Funds taxes and Social Security.
Democrat governors and mayors allowed rioters to run amok. We don’t need automatic weapons.
COVID-19 amnesty for those fired who wouldn’t take the shots is like Biden’s marijuana decriminalization initiative. Maybe states will follow? It’s time to repatriate citizens to their professions, even if they were wrong-headed. COV is still out there, and they may still die.
Climate change is real, but it’s the planet not us — except for the POLLUTION!
Musk seems bent on destroying the old Twitter. Trump is toast. He even just lost Kari Lake. Aah, the pity. A man without a country (“his” country). Old Twitter is also toast, one dead bird!
Pence is far better than DeSantis. Did you see David Muir’s interview with Pence? Pence under the table ran a marathon with his right foot. He’s pissed with Trump, wasn’t willing to destroy his career and endanger his family — until now that Trump is on the downslide! Pence and McConnell can’t wait until Trump is gone; both are holding their breath until he is.
GA Democrats will need to vote-count every possible vote and commitment — possible! They need to count 10% more anti-Walker/pro Raphael Warnock votes that the Republicans could possibly come up with to vote for their favorite dimwit baby killer! Get the Raphaelites to the polls, all the disaffected Republicans, independents, pro-abortionists, Blacks, Hispanics, Black athletes, and Black men NOT for Herschel Walker.
Hey, we’re still stuck with Colorado’s Lauren Boebert, it would appear, in the House, unless that race miraculously goes to a .5% separation or less and thus a mandatory recount (right now it’s 4.%). Georgia’s Marjory Taylor Greene is also still kickin’, as is Indiana’s Trump MAGA hyper-apologist Jim Jordan, also in the House. The war for America and against Trump is not over yet.
Trump will announce his presidential aspirations in a few hours, 11/15/2022. He just might announce a new political party, something like the Party of Trump (The Trump Party). Liz Cheney might run as an independent or Republican. Let me see what I can come up with, intuitively, in these matters. Here goes:
Lauren Boebert may go to a recount for her House seat vs. Adam Frisch. I think so.
The Republicans will not dump Kevin McCarthy in the House. He’ll become the Speaker of the House, third in line to our presidency. The Republicans will also not dump Mitch McConnell, who will remain the Senate minority leader. Both are quite capable. (After writing that, the latest news is both are still favored.)
Warnock will win the Senate race runoff in Georgia vs. Herschel Walker.
Trump will never run again for president as a Republican; only as his own party or as an independent.
If Trump announces he’s running, Liz Cheney will soon announce she’s running as an independent. She should hold rallies in the same cities the same day as Trump, same time but across town!
I’m still convinced the Republicans win the presidency in 2024. DeSantis will head that ticket.
Trump goes to jail in 2023. Cheney will drop out. Pence will run but not win, except maybe as DeSantis’s V.P. The Republicans will garner some 290 Electoral College votes in 2024 (winning).
Nancy Pelosi will retire.
Twitter may go the way of the dodo bird. Musk will totally reinvent it as a social media capstone — and then get back to work at SpaceX and on Tesla, and on many other marvelous breakthroughs only he could bring about: better solar energy collection and storage, better phones, missions to the moon and Mars, etc. — but he’s mired down until next year, including in reputation.
Facebook (META) has been so gutted from bad decisions and mindless censorship, it must reinvent itself by being run by humans, not Boebots spewing political correctness “key words flagged” algorithms as bludgeons against free and explorative speech. META and FB should be separated again, FB its own company, not a division of META.
Love (I will pass go and go on to win $200, I predict),
Gene W. Edwards.
This blog is posted on my website http://www.genewedwards.com/blog Just click on Blog, not on Old Blogs. This is all my new Blogs, started in September 2022.
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