Who Can Become a U.S. President? By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 7/15/2023.
Here’s one example or particular, a for-instance: “[Rep. Ted] Lieu stood alone as the only one of the nine impeachment managers [bringing Trump’s second impeachment in the House] who would not be allowed to hold that office [The U. S. presidency] under the Constitution’s natural-born citizen requirement in Article II.
[Here’s why.] “That constitutional clause requires that anyone holding the presidency be born a citizen of the United States — either born on US territory or, if born abroad, the child of at least one US citizen. Tens of millions of immigrants who live in the United States, including 18 who serve in Congress, are thus categorically disqualified from holding the country’s highest office. Never amended since the Constitution’s adoption, the clause implies that naturalized Americans, who affirmatively chose to be part of this country, are inherently unsuited as stewards of its political institutions while those born on US soil are automatically better ones.” [Copied from: https://lieu.house.gov/media-center/in-the-news/natural-born-citizen-ceiling]
From my research: Both Lieu’s parents, and he, were born in Taiwan as Taiwanese citizens. When his parents emigrated to the USA when he was age three, his parents eventually became citizens, as did he but only as their child. Liew was not born in the USA or in a U.S. protectorate/asset/territory, and neither of his parents were a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth.
Here’s Rep. Ted Lieu’s questions for the FBI’s director, Christopher Ray: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFTx4NAXYQs&ab_channel=Rep.TedLieu
This is a must-see! It’s well balanced, thorough, and points out the insanity of some Republicans wish to defund and dismantle the FBI!
In all of this, I am NOT saying Christopher Ray is incompetent; quite the opposite. But I am saying we need honest directors who have no personal agenda and who evenhandedly administrate justice without succumbing to outside coercive pressure or twist justice to protect their job. We need Merrick-Garland-quality directors who go where the facts lead them and who apply the law to all, high or low, despite their station, or lack of it. Name an FBI director who was clean? I can’t! A similar malady plagues our government in many of its departments and personnel. They are, in short, for sale!
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My specialties are socio-political, natural health, humor, writing, money, life wisdom, education, intuition, psychic prediction and precognition, vision(ary), metaphysics, mysticism, ideas, concepts, and re-combinative thinking. I am also proficient in arithmetic, general pattern recognition, general problem solving, and logic.