Who, Where, and When is Nostradamus’s Third Anti-Christ?

Gene W. Edwards
2 min readMay 21, 2023


By Gene W. Edwards.

Posted 5/21/2023.

From Gene’s intuitive psychic insight. As follows:

“Third anti-Christ defeated: Putin. Planned/attempted European/Eursian conquests provoking world war. Expansion defeated by NATO and USA.

“Yes, the “third” anti-Christ is defeated in 2024. He gained few holdings, lost some in Ukraine. I’ve predicted Putin will die of cancer in late 2024 or early 2025.

“There are numerous anti-Christs in waiting, both global and regional. The ambitions of some of them will fail.”


Will there later be a third anti-Christ, one fomenting a World War III? “Understand that the term anti-Christ is a bugaboo of imagination. It represents a heartless world, or regional, conqueror, whoever/wherever/whenever that is. It is not scriptural of end times. It is, instead, particularly descriptive of worldwide evil emanating from highly placed individuals in historic time, warmongers seeking to conquer and rule others.. We could all name some names, anti-Christs in different places selfishly creating turmoil. How about: Ida Amin; Pol Pot; Castro?

Who is Nostradamus’s MABUS (anagram), suggesting the name of the third anti-Christ, world conqueror? Nostradamus named “Hister” and suggested Napoleon before him. (See: https://www.businessinsider.com/nostradamus-true-predictions-2014-5#hitlers-terror-in-europe-7) “Mabus is a conglomerate term representing death incarnate in evil individuals. They are as expendable as any cancer that has run amok, but they make/leave death in their wake. Cancer is curable by death; life goes on.”

Anything else? “Watch for World War III to erupt in 2029. China over Taiwan. It will not be started by Xi Jinping (who is no saint!), but by the leader in China who follows him in 2029. Over Taiwan. China economy stumbling then, near to falling. Resistance within China. War chosen to distract and conquer. China’s war is overcome in 2032, three long, long years in which the world awakens to what war is and how useless and savage it is in our human enterprise.

“A purification within the world is taking place, leading to a brighter tomorrow. World consciousness is advancing, leaving behind the anti-Christ archetype of the world or regional conqueror bent on selfish territorial conquest and subjection. The world’s new leaders will be informed by A.I., its comprehensive problem-solving ability to identify truth, policy, and thereby suppression of political ventures all too human, too flawed. Watch for enlightenment to come to main street and to nations’ capitols. A brighter tomorrow is coming, after World War III!”



Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive psychic predictors — his insight — about the past, present, and future as well as one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.

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Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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