Wine upon the Grapevine! By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 7/17/2023.
Despite some of Musk’s anti-Woke rhetoric, and Twitter being on a demise path of losses — I still predict Tesla stock is on its way to selling in the $400s per share. The guy is on the forefront of A.I., electric vehicles, rocketry, space exploration and . . . everything else! Accept all that, Musk warts (faults) and all! Hmm: yeah, he has a daughter who is a transexual and can’t stand her absentee father! Musk has indulged himself with a string of paramours whom he gives “nothing.” Talk about cheap!
Tesla, 45 minutes before market open, today (7/17/2023) is up 10% compared to before-market-open trading, Tesla up .43%. Tesla, once again, is on a roll (cars roll, ya know?)!
Intuitively, I get “See Tesla rise.” I also get, “You [me] can predict the markets.” I can see into the past, or future, or present — at will.
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