Witness Protection Program for Anti-Trump Republicans. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 8/2/2023.
Yes, all the millions of formerly Make Trump Great Again Republicans (MTGA), who would now never in a million years vote for Trump again, must go into a Witness Protection Program to protect them from the remaining millions of Forever Trumpers.
Meanwhile, all the Trump Republicans must go into the Witless Protection Program offered by Trump and receive his Get Out of Jail Free cards. As with Trump, no matter how many times you are indicted, you can get out of it. Just think so and you’re free!
Of course. there will also be a special Witness Protection Program for super Republicans, enhanced Republicans, sensible Republicans. Those Republicans are not just anti-Trump. They are not rabidly anti-Woke, don’t want to take away your rights, and they believe in a balanced budget. They even have common sense and a positive program! Five such Republicans, in total, in the nation, will qualify for this program to protect them from the Never Trumpers, the Trumpers, and “everybody else!” See if you qualify.
I can’t leave the Democrats out. Five enhanced Democrats also qualify for Witness Protection. They want a balanced budget, don’t push climate issues — they want to solve pollution issues instead, and plant more trees — and they are neither Woke nor un-Woke. They are just sensible. Yes, they have common sense rather than their being anti this and that. They have a positive program. See if you qualify. Heaven help them, those five, because all the other parties, above, oppose them!
Of course, there is a fatal flaw in all the above. Republicans have a certain particular political or world view. So do Democrats. It’s almost an opposite view, but the five enlightened Republicans (that’s all!) and five enlightened Democrats (that’s all!) are the two sides on the same coin. It is a coin of commerce and freedom. Whether you’re heads or tails doesn’t matter if you represent the best there is and you can successfully mediate your differences with those who think differently than you but are just as valuable.
Of such is Democracy.
P.S. Did I exaggerate, above? Are there only five good people in each party? I did not jest! I would have difficulty finding one public policy person or politician in either party who “gets it.” There is so much to do. (1) De-politicizing abortion; (2) balancing the federal budget; (3) taxing enough to do so; (4) Universal health care here at half the cost! (5) Term limits. (6) Taking the politics and hyper-ambition out of the FBI, CIA, and DOJ. (7) Avoiding dangerous alliances; keeping America’s sovereignty intact. (Let Europe defend itself, etc.!). (8) The American parties working together to solve problems. (9) Letting the Woke and Un-Woke go back to sleep.
D.C. Comics.
I’m not talking about comic books. I’m talking about the usual political hyperbole out of Washington, D.C. For instance:
Trump will try to take advantage of the most skilled, thorough, goal directed, quick, and tough government prosecutor I’ve ever run across, Jack Smith! Trump will tell Smith that if Smith can nullify ALL the various charges by various parties against Trump, in a plea deal, Trump will offer Jack Smith the V.P. spot on Trump’s presidential ticket!
All that’s fine and dandy, but the moment Jack Smith sneezes in the wrong direction, Trump will tell all his lieges to “Hang Jack Smith!” Hence, no trial necessary for Smith.
Some countries have a national bird. We’ll soon have a national jailbird.
If Trump goes to a state prison, he may be assigned to make a state’s license plates. Each of the plates he makes will read, “TRUMP.” At the top of each plate it’ll read, “Won the 2016 Election.” On the bottom of each of his plates it will read, “Won the 2020 Election.”
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My specialties are socio-political, natural health, humor, writing, money, life wisdom, education, intuition, psychic prediction and precognition, vision(ary), metaphysics, mysticism, ideas, concepts, and re-combinative thinking. I am also proficient in arithmetic, general pattern recognition, general problem solving, and logic.